Tuesday, October 03, 2006

take it all in...

I love the silence of contentment, the stillness of security, and the pacing of a heart that is alive. I am grateful for endless skies with wispy clouds, and for the colorful early breaks of dawn, even when it’s too early to be awake. I am thankful for long conversations and short moments of bliss, for truth and honesty and even exposure. I love long, refreshing naps, and watching the sun fade behind ribbons of purple and orange in the late evening sky. I love the idea of family, of sisters and brothers, of friends and love. I am intrigued by the search for something more, whatever that more may be. I am grateful for memories that rekindle moments of forgotten joy, and even for those that are pointed reminders of the need for grace. I love the budding flowers in the spring as much as I admire the changing and falling leaves of autumn. I laugh as I watch boys slide down steep, grassy hills in cardboard boxes, then tirelessly climb to the top to do it all again. I love the fullness of a deep breath, and the calmness it can bring. I love the idea of an endless journey… it gives me time to enjoy it all.


TheMilesFam said...

Beautifully written...you have a way of describing things that is so romantic! Love you so much

Anonymous said...

oh bets, i would come and slide down hills in boxes with you anyday. you have such a beautiful heart, and i love how you share it. And i agree with the others, you little love bug!